Some pool owners maintain their pool themselves and some get their pool serviced by pool technicians. Both ways require the same regiment. When a pool is not maintained properly it can go from crystal clear blue to Everglades swampy green. What makes the pool green is algae. It is important to identify the type of algae you have as algae can appear in three forms, green/blue algae, yellow/mustard algae, pink algae and black algae. Once your pool has algae it is no longer safe to swim in. Typically you will see the algae form along the pool walls and lining, the steps, seating areas in the pool, and in corners.
There are a few steps you can do to remove and correct this issue quickly. If you are treating the pool yourself you will need to do the following:
[icon type=”refresh”] Step one – Circulation
Turn your pump and filter on to run for 24 hours per day. It is important that while you are running your pump you continuously you are backwashing your filter as needed.
[icon type=”thumbs-o-up”] Step two – Excess algae removal
Brush the walls, stairs and bottom of your pool with a pool brush thoroughly.
[icon type=”flask”] Step four – Test your water
Using a test strip check your pool water and according to your test strip results you will know what your water needs. Keep in mind we also do free water testing. This checks water chemistry – Using the test strip, check your pH levels. It should be between 7.2 – 7.6, alkalinity between 80 – 120 ppm, and calcium hardness between 200 -400 ppm to ensure that your chemicals will work properly when added to the swimming pool.
[icon type=”bolt”] Step four – Super Chlorination or shock the pool
The darker the water the more products you will need to clear up the algae. One pound of shock chemical usually treats 10,000 gallons of water. Depending on your pool size you will need to adjust these measurements. Shock your pool- Add a chlorine based shock as needed.
[icon type=”clock-o”] Step five – Sit back and let the pool’s filter work
Run the pool pump for 12-24 hours to make sure the filter is doing it’s job then check to see if this changed your water. If the pool’s condition has not changed continue the process again until the water condition improves.
[icon type=”wrench”] Step 6 – Vacuum the pool waste
If you have to use your filter to vacuum, make certain that the filter valve is set to waste (sand or d.e. filters only). This will bypass the filter and force what you are vacuuming directly out of the pool. It is very important that you get as much as the algae out of the pool so they do not start forming again.
[icon type=”leaf”] Step 7 – Add Algaecide
Algaecide is a chemical is used to control the growth of algae. As with anything else in your home a pool also requires maintenance.
Our team at SE Pool Supply & Chemical are available to assist you with any questions you may have, we carry all the products needed for eliminating algae and we are here at your service for pool maintenance if needed.